Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Purpose Of This New Blog

Over the past several years I have started a number of blogs focussed on various subjects.  Mostly, I have a separate blog for each family line I am focused on.  The most active blog is at http://roppgenealogy.blogspot.com and has led me to some great discoveries and some wonderful new information.  I've met distant (and not so distant) cousins and we've been able to start collaborating on all our brick walls together. I've learned a lot by listening to what others know about our family history, and hopefully I've been able to share a few new things with others as well.

Well, now it's time to focus on another branch of the family and I'm hoping the same techniques that have helped me with my ROPP brick walls will assist me in locating my elusive HARDING ancestors.  Maybe I can locate some living HARDING descendants who can help me start to drudge further back into the family history. We can share some photos, stories, christmas cards...  whatever comes to pass.  The goal of this blog is to make progress on locating my Harding ancestors.

I'm looking forward to sharing what I know, and hoping to connect with someone who can help me learn more.  So, let's get this thing started...

- Brian

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